Prediksi soal TOEFL bagian Reading tahun 2022 (Part 3) + Kunci Jawaban

The Native American people of Oregon transported themselves and their goods on  foot, by canoe, by raft, by dog, and by horse. Each tribe used a combination of methods,  choosing the mode of transportation best suited to the terrain, the type of load, and the  desired speed. Since each band and local group had a different pattern of settlement and easonal movement, the mixture of transportation methods differed from group to group  and from season to season.

Long-distance travel by foot was common all over Oregon. In rougher parts of the  inland valleys area and in eastern Oregon prior to the arrival of the horse (first introduced  to the area some 300 years ago), it was the principal mode of long-distance travel. Foot trails wound across most mountain passes and were important in maintaining the vast  Native American trading network. Leather moccasins and Cute sandals were worn for long hikes and for protection against cold, rather than for everyday use. In winter, snowshoes were used for hunting expeditions, ID the Klamath area, where lakes were well stocked with waterfowl and plant products, Native Americans used mudshoes (built similarly to snowshoes) to keep from sinking in the mud.

Canoes and rafts were osed by Native Americans in all parts of Oregon, although they  were not a major method of travel in eastern Oregon. The boat* were used on lakes and  rivers for fishing, gathering water plants, bird hunting, and travel. Native Americans from  Oregon occasionally ventured to sea for seal hunts, but long sea voyages were much less common than they were further north among the Nootka, Kwakiutl, and Halda people.

The use of canoes along the Columbia River contributed to the development of trading and continued, communication among neighboring tribes. Most Oregon canoes were made by hollowing logs. The wooden dugout was uniquely suited to western Oregon's plentiful supply  of timber. The canoes were expertly carved in a variety of shapes and sizes to  ensure a smooth and quiet voyage even in rough waters.

1.  According to the passage, all of the following affected the choice of transportation EXCEPT

(A) the type of land that had to be traveled

(B) what was to be carried

(C) how fast an Item needed to be transported

(D) the cost of transportation

2.  The word "principal" is closest in meaning to

(A) original

(B) simple

(C) main

(D) ordinary

3.  According to the passage, the horse

(A) could not be used for long distance travel

(B) replaced traveling by foot in more rugged areas

(C) Improved the quality of mountain foot trails

(D) was an important part of Oregon's culture

4. According to the passage, tube sandals were used for

(A) waiting great distances

(B) wanner weather

(C) wearing every day

(D) walking in mud

5. The word "stocked" is closest in meaning to

(A) utilized

(B) endangered

(C) supplied

(D) hunted

6. The word "they" refers to

(A) long sea voyages

(B) Native Americana

(C) seal hunts

(D) canoes

7. All of the following are mentioned in the passage as uses of die canoe EXCEPT

(A) hunting animals

(B) fishing

(C) carrying timber

(D) collecting plants

8. The word "ensure" is closest in meaning to

(A) guarantee

(B) decrease

(C) convince

(D) continue

9. The passage supports which of the following statements about Native American trade in Oregon?

(A) Trade was limited by the mountainous terrain,

(B) Trade was more depended oc the canoe than on any other form of travel.

(C) Items related to transportation were typical trade products.

(D) Transportation contributed to the development and maintenance of trade.

10. The passage most likely continues with a discussion of

(A) the process of seal hunting

(B) transportation by dog and horse

(C) winter transportation methods

(D) transportation outside of Oregon

Kunci jawaban : D CBACA CADD

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