Prediksi soal TOEFL bagian Listening tahun 2022 (Part 3) + Kunci Jawaban

1.(A) She doesnt like roller skating.

   (B) She writing a story about roller skating.

   (C) Shes too busy to go roller skating.

   (D) The man shouldnt be going roller skating.


2.(A) He already bought a car.

(B) He didnt mean to bother the woman.

(C) He didnt say he would call the woman.

(D) He forgot to call the woman.


3.(A) Admission to the movie is free.

(B) Shell lend the man some money.

(C) Shell buy the tickets for the movie.

(D) She paid for the movie the last time.


4.(A) He was surprised the woman didnt like the concert.

(B) He enjoyed the concert more that the woman did.

(C) He was not impressed by the conducting.

(D) He didnt like the choice of music.


5.(A) The man and woman live on Elm Street.

(B) The directions the woman got were wrong.

(C) The man and woman are unfamiliar with the area.

(D) The woman already called for directions.


6.(A) Shes usually in a good mood.

(B) She doesnt feel as cheerful as she looks.

(C) She enjoyed her sons visit.

(D) Shes happy because of the weather.


7.(A) Hell miss Professor Lawrence.

(B) Hes surprised to hear the womans news.

(C) Professor Lawrence will continue to work part-time.

(D) Professor Lawrence has found a new job.


8.(A) Hes not planning to move.

(B) He has found a new apartment.

(C) Hes looking for a new roommate.

(D) Hes also having trouble with his apartment.


9.(A) He should do more.

(B) Shed be glad to help him.

(C) He should be paid.

(D) Hes done a lot.



10.(A) Shed rather go later.

(B) Shed rather sew for an hour.

(C) The library is only open an hour more.

(D) The library closed an hour ago.


11.(A) Sit down to eat.

(B) Take the womans order.

(C) Look for some apples.

(D) Remove the womans unfinished salad.


12.(A) The woman should wait to buy new clothes.

(B) The cold weather will probably continue.

(C) The weather will warm up soon.

(D) He already has a warm coat.


13.(A) Shes happy that the student center is getting more computers.

(B) Shell let the man use her computer.

(C) She hopes to take a statistics course soon.

(D) Shed like to buy a computer.


14.(A) Reschedule the meeting.

(B) Cancel his membership.

(C) Take some time to decide.

(D) Talk to the committee.


15.(A) Larry usually gets good grades.

(B) He helped Larry write the report.

(C) Hes surprised at Larrys grade.

(D) Its strange that Larry and Mark are lab partners.


16.(A) She didnt go skiing last year.

(B) Shes just learning to ski.

(C) She doesnt travel very often.

(D) She enjoyed her vacation very much.


17.(A) The man was excited about winning.

(B) The man is very lucky.

(C) The man is feeling better now.

(D) The man felt bad about losing.


18.(A) He doesnt have time to do his laundry.

(B) Hed like the woman to buy some detergent.

(C) Hes going to the store.

(D) Hes going to buy some detergent.


19. (A) He enjoys the history class.

(B) He has plenty of time to study.

(C) He wants to take another history class.

(D) He has too many tests.


20.(A) Its harmful for him to use his voice.

(B) He needs to see a doctor.

(C) He hasnt been taking his medicine.

(D) Its difficult to understand him when he whispers.


21.(A) The woman is wrong about when his birthday is.

(B) He expects to hear from his brother.

(C) He bought a present for the womans birthday.

(D) His brother is coming to visit him.


22.(A) Theyre going to France for a vacation.

(B) The woman doesnt need to study now.

(C) Hes concerned about the womans studies.

(D) The woman isnt worrying isnt worrying about her vacation.


23. (A) Theyre indifferent to its reviews.

(B) Theyre convinced that it will be good.

(C) Theyre puzzled by the criticism of it.

(D) Theyre glad they saw it together.


24.(A) He feels energetic too.

(B) He jogs because he doesnt like aerobics.

(C) He just joined a health club to lose weight.

(D) He realizes he needs more exercise.


25.(A) She wishes the rain would stop soon.

(B) She doesnt care about the weather.

(C) Shell go out after the rain stops.

(D) She expects it to rain for four more days.


26.(A) He had a doctor examine his injuries.

(B) He was supposed to meet the woman yesterday.

(C) Hell have to explain why he missed practice.

(D) He asked the woman to take him to the clinic.


27.(A) Public speaking makes him nervous.

(B) His final examination is this afternoon.

(C) He enjoys classroom presentations.

(D) Hes going to miss his afternoon classes.


28.(A) She wants the man to be at the station when she arrives.

(B) She isnt sure which train shell be on.

(C) The train will be an hour late.

(D) Shell leave home at 6:30.


29.(A) She has probably had a lot of free time this week.

(B) Shes probably not planning to come on Sunday.

(C) Shes probably not at home.

(D) She has probably tried to call.


30.(A) He bought it at a well-known store.

(B) It was very expensive.

(C) He doesnt consider it attractive.

(D) Someone gave it to him.


31.(A) His lecture notes werent very good.

(B) He didnt understand the lecture.

(C) He couldnt attend the lecture.

(D) His research was on the same topic as the lecture.


32.(A) Survival strategies for extreme Antarctic cold.

(B) Why inactive volcanoes become active.

(C) The principal causes of global warming.

(D) The effects of volcanoes on the Antarctic ice sheet.


33.(A) That a snow cover can cause ice to melt.

(B) How heat can prevent ice from melting.

(C) How water flows into the ocean.

(D) Why volcanoes have a slippery surface.


34.(A) Melting ice.

(B) Snowfall

(C) Glaciers which serve as barriers.

(D) Variations in temperature in Antarctica.


35.(A) How to increase ones speed in a bicycle race.

(B) Major Canadian bicycle races.

(C) The contribution of cycling to health.

(D) An annual cycling event.


36.(A) The length of the course.

(B) The route the cyclists take.

(C) The number of participants.

(D) The month in which the tour is held.


37.(A) They are not competing with each other.

(B) They have to pay a high fee.

(C) They tend to be beginning cyclists.

(D) Most of them fail to finish the route.


38. (A) Chocolates.

(B) Water

(C) First aid.

(D) Bicycle repair services.


39. (A) Reasons for increased productivity.

(B) How wristwatches are manufactured.

(C) The industrialization of the United States.

(D) The development of individual timepieces.


40. (A) They were common in the United States, but not in Europe.

(B) Only a few people had them.

(C) People considered them essential.

(D) They were not very accurate.


41.(A) They were a sign of wealth.

(B) It was important to be on time.

(C) It was fashionable to wear them.

(D) They were inexpensive.


42.(A) Watches were of higher quality than ever before.

(B) More clocks were manufactured than watches.

(C) The availability of watches increased.

(D) Watches became less important because factories had clocks.


43.(A) The difficulty of breeding electric fish.

(B) The medical importance of electric fish.

(C) How certain fish use electricity.

(D) How fish navigate.


44.(A) To destroy tree roots.

(B) To digest its food.

(C) To protect its territory.

(D) To find its way.


45.(A) To hear a translation of her talk.

(B) To hear signals produced by electric fish.

(C) To hear sounds used to train electric fish.

(D) To hear a tape about electric fish.


46.(A) Improved understanding of diseases of the nervous system.

(B) Improved understanding of a type of malnutrition.

(C) Improved understanding of some types of bone disease.

(D) improved understanding of disease of the internal organs.


47. (A) The origins and characteristics of modern dance.

(B) The influence of modern dance on ballet.

(C) Pioneer modern dancers.

(D) The training of modern dance choreographers.


48.(A) They were created in Europe.

(B) They were conventional.

(C) The theaters were crowded.

(D) The tickets were overpriced.


49.(A) Lightness of movement.

(B) Elaborate scenery.

(C) Free expression.

(D) Rigid choreography.


50.(A) They performed mainly in Europe.

(B) They imitated the techniques of ballet.

(C) They performed to classical music.

(D) They  weren’t formally trained.


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